Why the World is Not Adequately Addressing the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis issue hits a blind spot in the human brain.
World-wide, the fact that we are facing a climate crisis is almost universally acknowledged. Except in the United States, the vast majority of people in all countries recognize that we are facing a problem. And yet, to date, the world is only taking baby steps.

A key reason for this failure to take appropriate measures is that the climate crisis is precisely the kind of problem that we as humans are badly equipped to deal with. There are several reasons for this. Let’s look at them.

Four Steps to Empowerment About the Climate Crisis

Are you feeling overwhelmed, fatalistic, or despairing about the climate crisis? You’re certainly not alone. After all, the upcoming crisis is so huge, and our sense of agency, our ability to have an impact, feels so tiny.

But there are steps you can take to help you move out of these feelings. They are good for you, and good for the planet, as well. Here are four of the steps you can take to change your perspective.