Rev. Rebecca Joy Sumner, Pastor
Pastor Rebecca is known for her artistic approach to worship, her skill in spiritual direction and her longstanding work in neighboring wherever she finds herself.
Born and raised in the Northwest, Rebecca has served a broader, ecumenical church through leading, consulting, directing and volunteering with a wide variety of faith based organizations and ministries throughout her career, including several local and national Quaker ministries, the neighborhood-based Parish Collective, the justice-based artistic programs of Wild Goose West, and seeding several emergent and new church starts, including Our Common Table in Everett, where she and her partner Luke (who is also a pastor) continue to serve part time.
Rebecca holds a Master of Divinity from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, as well as a Master of Arts in Religion from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and is an Ordained Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). You can reach Rebecca at