Your children are welcome at Welcome Table Christian Church!
There is a play area in the sanctuary for children under six. You may sit with your child there during the service, or keep your child with you, or sit at one of the tables and give your child crayons and one of our coloring sheets.
Children from six to twelve are invited to join the Children Worship and Wonder program during most of the service. They are brought back into the sanctuary near the end of the service and are welcome to join in communion.
Children over twelve are currently encouraged to remain in the sanctuary during the service. We have had special youth programs in the past, and look forward to doing so again when the number of youth supports it.
Children Worship and Wonder
Based on the religious education ideas of Maria Montessori, Children Worship and Wonder acknowledges that children already have a relationship with God and that they are comfortable living in questions. Within a sacred space created just for them, children have the opportunity to hear Bible stories and form responses based on their own life experiences. At the same time, they learn religious language, church traditions, and how to participate in worship.
Our Children Worship and Wonder services include gathering, lighting the Christ candle, singing, storytelling, response time, prayers, and The Feast. The storytelling is done by a trained leader, using Bible stories and specially prepared, small-scale wooden figures, and ending with a series of “I wonder…” questions. Response time gives the children an opportunity to respond to the story and the questions using media such as crayons, markers, chalk, paints, and play dough. The Feast is representative of communion, which is shared with the adults. In our Disciples way, children are welcome to participate in communion, in keeping with Jesus’ saying, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”